Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography

Benefits of Authorship

JDMS Open Access

All JDMS published articles are publicly accessible one year following print publication. Authors may receive additional ​citations after that time as their work is recognized worldwide.

Earn SDMS CME Credit

Published authors may be eligible to receive SDMS CME credit once an accepted manuscript is slated to be published in a JDMS issue.

JDMS Authors will automatically receive SDMS CME credits as determined by the number of authors list on the published article. If a published article has only one author listed, the single author with receive 4 SDMS CME credits. If more than one author is listed on a published article, each author will receive 2 SDMS CME credits.

Authors do not receive SDMS CME credit for articles not accepted for publication. All SDMS CME credits are granted to authors on published manuscripts who are SDMS members at the time CME credits are awarded. SDMS CME credit is not available to non-SDMS members. SDMS CME credits are issued through the SDMS CME Tracker if the author is a current SDMS member.

The SDMS does not award CME credit for published editorials, symposia, or letters to the Editor.

Policy effective for articles published in the JDMS beginning March 1, 2022.

Membership Discounts

Authors whose article(s) have been published in the JDMS will receive a discount off their upcoming SDMS membership renewal. The program works this way:

Publication Reward*

JDMS publication of one original research or literature review article

100% SDMS membership dues discount
JDMS publication of two original case studies 100% SDMS membership dues discount
JDMS publication of one original case study 50% SDMS membership dues discount
*All membership discounts are applied within a month of issue publication. Discounts will be applied to the customer's account and available through your current membership expiration date.


The manuscript's first listed author is eligible to receive the SDMS membership discount.


JDMS Editorial Staff

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